Day: January 9, 2023

Character Creation

Anti Gravity Machine – Explore Gravity


This week’s Nanogirl challenge is to build a machine that can overcome gravity. Watch the video to see how Nanogirl overcomes gravity and explore the pdf to learn about mass.
Complete the Nanogirl activity – Treasure Hunt – Create your science toolkit to help you with this activity



Share the following on your blog.

  • Take a photo or record a video of what you made  – Anti Gravity Glass & Spinning Water

Record what you instigated on your blog. You can write about the following or record your voice or video yourself. Look on the Cybersmart Help page for tips to help you record

  • Test your antigravity machine and share what happens if you make the string longer and shorter.
  • If you jump up as high as you can, how many seconds can you stay in the air
    for? How do you think this would change if you were on the moon, or on Jupiter?
  • How do you think this science is used by engineers who design theme parks?
  • Do you think the length of your string will make a difference?
  • Do you think the anti-gravity experiment would work with paper instead of card?